Friday, March 1, 2013


Puede que esta sea mi ultima foto de morena entera… #sue #suenameen #brunette #gyaru #gaijingal #gaijingyaru #gal #girl #selfi #me #cl #lashes #makeup


in need of makeup advice

1. eyebrows
Gyarus usually have very faint eyebrows. Try a lighter, ashy colored brow powder.

2. lips
Your lip color should be much lighter. Gyarus usually wear light pink, peach, or nude colors on their lips. Don't forget to top it off with a gloss!

3. contour/highlight your nose
Contouring and highlighting the nose gives the appearance of a thinner nose and higher bridge. Knowing how to properly counter/highlight your nose is a must for any gyaru.

5. cheeks
Always apply blush, bronzer, and a highlight to your cheeks! Using these three in combination with slim the face and accentuate the cheek bones.

find the full gyaru makeup tutorial here

Good luck Sue! We hope to you take our suggestions and post more pictures so we can do a before and after. Remember: practice makes perfect!

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